FUMC Gulfport offers these ways to connect and serve through our church.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates on our current activities.
join in these UPcoming activities!
FUMC Gulfport offers these ways to connect and serve through our church.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates on our current activities.
Thanksgiving Meal Bag Mission
Each year, we collect donations and fill Thanksgiving meal bags for people and families in the Gulfport community. Gulf Coast Community Ministries is coordinating with us to serve this need. Please share a Thanksgiving blessing by supporting this mission.
Bags are available at FUMC Gulfport beginning October 23, 2022. Deadline to turn in bags is November 13, 2022.
West elmentary partnership - food supply drive
We are launching our "Back Snack" food drive for West Elementary students as a weekend food supply project for at risk children. Donation bins are located in the Fellowship Hall. Click here for the specific food items needed. If you would like to help pack the Snack Backpacks, email jill@fumc-gulfport.org.
distribute sunday lunch at feed my sheep
One the third Sunday of each month, FUMC Gulfport provide between 50 - 60 sack lunches at Feed My Sheep. Volunteers are needed to distribute the lunches at the Feed My Sheep center in downtown Gulfport. This is a great opportunity for families and small groups to volunteers. If you would like to sign up, email Cleo@FUMC-Gulfport.org.
There are several opportunities to make a difference in the life of a child by tutoring at West Elementary. The school offers flexible times and days to meet the varying schedule of our volunteers. For more information, email Jill Senn.
We have a very active communications and production team that works together to bring Sunday worship to life online and in the santuary, and supports all of the communication and audio/visual productions of the church. Opportunties to serve on the team through online worship, audio, video and production coordination are available. This is great experience for an high school or college student who is interested in the field or for anyone who has a heart for working behind the scenes to bring worship online! If you are interested in learning more, email Greg Rollins or Leslie Vaughn.
Connect and worship through music
If you sing or play an instrument and want to connect and serve through music, FUMC Gulfport has a wide variety of musical ministries, including our praise band, choir, handbells and begining and advanced ukelele groups. Email Joy Mehrtens to join in the fun!
Join us each Sunday morning at 9 AM for Sunday Small Groups or for our Coffee and Donut fellowship that starts at 8:45 AM. Nursery services are available.
Click here for more information and times.