This ministry provides showers and laundry services to the homeless at the Salvation Army,
8:20 -11:30 am and 12:20 - 3 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Male and female volunteers are needed to register people, assist with laundry and monitor shower facilities.
This ministry provides a warm, safe place to sleep during extreme cold weather (below 35ºF). Volunteers are needed to register participants, assign cots, serve dinner and monitor the operation for the following shifts:
4 - 8 pm, 6 - 10 pm, 10 pm - 2 am, 2 - 6 am, 6 - 8 am.
Donations of the following items are gratefully accepted:
- socks & underwear for women and men
- disposable razors & shaving cream
- toothpaste & toothbrushes
- foot powder
- hand sanitizer
- reading glasses
- gloves, scarves, hats, belts
- bandaids & Neosporin
- jackets